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Podcast: Data Science, a strategist perspective - (Q Ethan McCallum)
Q Ethan McCallum - Expert in Advanced Analytics, tells us how advanced analytics impact and are impacting how we do business today. The way

Podcast: Cortana Intelligences Suites (Ruben Morales)
In this episode Rubén Morales, Advance Analytics Black Belt TSP LATAM at Microsoft, talks about Cortana Intelligence Suite. Rubén tells...

Effective Ways to Recruit Students Through Virtual Campus Tours
From videoconferencing to smartphones, colleges turn to technology to engage prospective students. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit this...

COVID-ED: Never Let a Crisis go to Waste
Over the last couple of weeks, I started thinking about how the push to move classes online, as a response to COVID-19, might impact Higher

Here are "Data Science" Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free
Here are "Data Science" Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free
Here are "Mathematics" Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free
Here are "Mathematics" Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free

Mathematics behind Machine Learning – The Core Concepts you Need to Know
“What’s the use of learning the mathematics behind machine learning algorithms? We can easily use the widely available libraries available i

Artificial Neural Networks in a Nutshell
According to Wikipedia, an ANN is based on a collection of connected units or nodes called artificial neurons, which loosely model the...

The First Things you Should Learn as a Data Scientist - Not what you Think
The list below is a (non-comprehensive) selection of what I believe should be taught first, in data science classes, based on 30 years of...

GDPR and the World Cup have these 4 things in common
The world will look at Europe as a game changer twice within the next month: first on May 25 then again on June 14. The latter date marks...

Think Like a Billionaire. Think Clean Data
Steve Ballmer the multibillionaire former CEO of Microsoft could very justifiably purchase a beach mansion in the Bahamas, erect a...

A Better Way to Measure Users' Content Engagement
A pretty common need for content-driven websites is to know how well their long-form text content engages visitors. Content is the...

Digital Transformation: Preparing your Organization for a World of Constant Change
“It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks. They’ve only been in business for 155 years.” – Anonymous The Pullman Co (1867), Allied...

Analytics as Value lever in Oil and Gas industry
Over the decades, oil and gas companies have built their core skills in many areas such as engineering innovation, project execution,...

Advanced Analytics – The Fourth Great Lever of Corporate Change
Summary: Advanced analytics and AI are the fourth great lever available to create organic improvement in corporations. We’ll describe...

Rolling Out Learning Analytics at a National Level
Implementing a learning analytics system across all higher education institutions in Wales provides a model for the opportunities for...

Significance Level vs Confidence level vs Confidence Interval
You may have figured out already that statistics isn't exactly a science. Lots of terms are open to interpretation, and sometimes there...

Next Generation Automated Machine Learning (AML)
Summary: Automated Machine Learning has only been around for a little over two years and already there are over 20 providers in this...

Podcast: Analytics in Financial Services (Ricardo Olivares)
This time we talked with Ricardo Olivares, Analytics Professional (expert in financial services). Ricardo, MBA in General Administration,...

Podcast: Health Services Analytics (David Lampon)
This time we talked with David Lampon, Data Scientist at CAD Salud (expert in analytics). David is the founder of one of the first...
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