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Podcast: Computación Cognitiva (Lina Bello)"
Today we talk with Lina Bello, an expert in identifying customer needs in cognitive solutions. During this talk, he tells us how he has...

Podcast: Ventajas de la analítica en la Industria (Dimichell González)
Today we talk with Dimichell González, Country Channel Manager Software and Services of GE Intelligent Platforms in Spain and Portugal,...

Podcast: Analytics in Media & Entertainment (Juan Carlos Sánchez)
Today we have a very interesting talk with Juan Carlos Sánchez of Sony Pictures Entertainment, who tells us a little about how the...

Podcast: Ciencia de datos en sector salud (Gaby Otero y Enrique Acevedo)
Today we talk with Gaby Otero and Enrique Acevedo, part of the CAD-Health team, a company specializing in data science and advance...

Podcast: Evolution of Analytics in the Market (Tom Dougherty)
Today we will talk with Tom Dougherty who is currently Director of Marketing Analytics at Life Extension. He told us how he has seen the...

Podcast: Pyramid Analytics Platform (Diwakar Rajagopal)
Today we talk with Pyramid Analytics Director of alliances. We will talk about the importance of identifying the right tools and...

Podcast: Analíticas en la Agricultura (Emmanuel González)
En esta ocasión tuvimos una muy interesante plática con Emmanuel González, Quien lleva el área de BI y Analíticas en NatureSweet...

Podcast: ¿Qué hay de espectacular en la Analítica Avanzada? (Uayeb Caballero)
Hoy platicamos con una persona verdaderamente apasionada con el tema de la Analítica Avanzada. Él es Uayeb Caballero, Gerente de...

How to pay your data scientists to increase retention
Promising data-minded individuals are easy to spot from the distance: curious detailed-oriented thinkers, energized by uncertainty, open...

Artificial Intelligence and Retention
Averaging across all students who start college, only about six in 10 will be at that same institution by the next year. More than a...

The Changing Landscape: Data Science Trends
Year after year, data science techniques mature and deliver outstanding results with successful implementations. 2016 ends with...

Customer Data Analytics to Uberize Retail Landscape
Drones flying in the skies to deliver packages to customers, is how technology based on data and analytics is likely to impact retail...

Why Logistic Regression should be the last thing you learn when becoming a Data Scientist
I recently read a very popular article entitled 5 Reasons “Logistic Regression” should be the first thing you learn when becoming a Data...

Podcast: ¿Qué significa ser emprendedor? (Entrevista con Alfredo Romo)
This time we had the opportunity to be interviewed by Alfredo Romo during the EMERGE event, and be able to express our point of view...

The Coronavirus and Online Learning – An Alternate Perspective
Let me be clear – I believe that our primary concern at this point should be to protect and save as many lives as possible.

A Coronavirus Voice AI Test Will Be Available Soon
While artificial intelligence has been a massive failure in helping the world to cope with the pandemic, it’s not all bad news.

Visually Explained: How Can Executives Make Sense of Machine Learning & Deep Learning?
Many executives struggle to make sense of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). Having a pragmatic relationship with technology,...
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